COVID - 19

The safety, health and well-being of our mutual patients has always been our top priority. Whether this is through the care we provide or the environment of our surgical facilities. Our internal policies and procedures have always exceeded federally mandated guidelines to protect our patients and staff. Our commitment to provide your patients the safest care throughout this evolving situation is not something we take lightly.

We always have and will continue to go above and beyond to ensure that we are exceeding the highest standard of care and customer service.


Here are a few extra precautions that we are taking, but not limited to:

We are also asking our patients a few questions to help mitigate any potential exposures. These questions are:

If you answer yes, our doctor will be informed and will take appropriate action to protect patients and staff.


The Doctors and Staff at SVII

Judgment-Free, High-Quality Dentistry is Possible

Experience it for yourself!